Thursday, January 7, 2010

Zip lining, Dirty Monkeys, & Dancing with the Stars

The family and I brought in the New Year with a bang with a 2000+ person champagne toast on the Maya Riviera in Mexico! We just had an absolute blast together - mom, dad, Cate, the Mexicans, and a massive number of tourists! We stayed at an incredible all-inclusive resort along the sandy beaches of the Mexican coast. We realized that with so much to do right in the "resort town," we'd be able to soak up all the relaxation and sun we could possibly want within a 10 minute circle around our hotel room! So, we filled our days with reading on the beach front, snorkeling, eating, playing beach volleyball, kite flying, drinking Margaritas...Banana Monkeys...Dirty Monkeys...Hurricanes...&...Pina Coladas, eating, nightly entertainment (such as "Fantasia" - aka Disney Medley Extravaganza! - in which Cate and I could probably have jumped right up on stage and sang and danced with the stars with no real problem at all!), water aerobics, water tricycling, eating, playing tennis, kayaking, discotheque-ing, eating, and napping. Did I mention eating? ;) We did venture off the resort for a one day excursion to experience the natural and man-made wonders of Mexico - zip lining barefoot over the forest, snorkeling in an underwater cave, and exploring the ancient Mayan ruins of Tulum.

After having spent seven days in Mexico, the four of us came back home utterly exhausted, 15 lbs lighter, and more than excited for Wisconsin sub-zero weather. *wink*

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blast to the past!

I thought I would post the Christmas update that I sent out a couple weeks before the New Year. Just a mini overview of 2009!

*insert TimeTravelor music here*

As Christmas and New Years are only a few countdown days away, I find myself reflecting on the past year with armfuls full of pleasant memories…

Last spring, I kept busy training for my first ever Triathlon! A semi-strict regime of swimming laps, stationary biking, and treadmill running during the cold, snowy months prepared my body and mind for a test of physical and mental endurance! I’d love to say that after my first Triathlon I was hooked and signed up for my next one as soon as possible! But, instead, I checked “Triathlon” off of my life “To Do” list and went on to the next thing :-)

I spent spring break with mom, dad, and Cate up north at the Ludsen Ski Resort for a couple wonderfully wind-burned days of downhill skiing bliss. In May, I decided on a whim to hop a plane to San Francisco and spent a week as a dutiful tourist with my super duper cousin Alana! I experienced my first time in a casino with all the bells and whistles and colorful stimulation and watched the lady next to me win $5,000!! I think I was just about as excited as she was! Also, I went my first ever Saki tasting – the result? Rosy cheeks and pleasant conversation with a Saki expert.

Less than a week after my return from the West Coast, I walked the stage to “pretend” receive my diploma! As my family, friends, fellow graduates and I shivered and went numb during the windy outdoor ceremony, it still felt pretty awesome to know I was done!

I spent my summer months on the other side of the USA in North Carolina to complete my Health Promotion and Wellness internship. Challenging work, but totally loved it. As a bonus, I enjoyed hiking, camping, rock climbing, and caving! Adventurous stuff that’s right up my alley :-)

In order to explore a bit more of the East Coast, I spent almost a month road tripping up, down, and around the eastern states with my lovely English friend, Flic. Apart from learning catchy English phrases like, “Faffing around” and “Wow, that boy is fit!” we sunsoaked in the Outer Banks, met Mrs. George Washington at Mt. Vernon, giggled and posed in front of the Intercourse, PA city sign, went from mead virgins to mead sluts in less than 10 hours, strolled along the Freedom Trail, learned about witch trial folklore in Salem, Mass, ran a 5 mile Mud Run (and became famous in the local newspaper), and saw David Letterman in person! In New York, I even got my own delectable taste of Broadway stardom by dancing and singing on the stage for the show “HAIR!”

With no real prospects of what my life would entail after being officially graduated (I found myself using the phrase, “My life past August is one giant and expansive black hole!”), I fell into a job as a Chiropractic Assistant. This being my first “real world” job, I couldn’t figure out whether my acute anxiety before each shift was because of the job and tasks itself or the fact that it was my first “real world,” 40 hrs/week, professional job. Or both. So, after much thought, reflection, and desperate prayers, I quit my first “real world” job. The verdict? Phew! *Weight lifted* Breathing free… :-)

I took some time to really search and question myself. Borrowing a very important and pivotal question from one of my most loved books, “Eat, Pray, Love” I asked myself, “What do you want to do, Anna?” So, I focused. And in doing so, I concluded (quite abruptly actually) that I wanted to travel. Not only that, but I wanted to travel to New Zealand. And not just a 3-4 week excursion. Nope, a whole year. Twelve “flybytheseatofmypants” months in one of the most beautiful and adventuresome countries in the world! If you can believe it, that decision was the hard part – next came the fun stuff :-D

I spent 5 weeks between mid-November and mid-December working as an Au Pair/Expert Organizer for my mom’s cousin’s family in Minnesota. I had a fantastic experience and learned much about the goings-on of a busy household. In the meantime, I bought my ticket to New Zealand (and sorry, as of now I don’t know when I’ll be coming back to the states since I have yet to purchase my return ticket home, *grin*)! But, needless to say, I am pretty gosh-darn excited!

So, in other words, my big “black hole” of a future is starting to fill in a bit! Mom, dad, Cate and I are getting really excited to spend this New Years in Maya Riviera, Mexico. We leave in one week! In January, I’ll be taking World Music, a winterim course through UW-Eau Claire. And, much to my astonishment, I’ll be turning 23 on January 21st! Cool beans :-)

My wish to you all is for the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of New Years.
Love and cheer!

So, there you go! Now to begin the "2010" stuff... :0)