Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Black Caps and Yellow Tassels

This past week has been a whirlwind of activity! Goodbyes & celebrations, packing, UNpacking, REpacking... Phew! It's been a mix of uber excitement and a bit of nervousness for what's to come!

I finished my VERY LAST FINAL a week ago Tuesday! WAHOOOOO! On Wednesday, Bart, my roommate for the past two years, and I hosted a fantastic potluck at the Ellis house. There was banana/sweet potato sushi, red curry tofu stirfry, homemade pepperoni pizza, and s'more pie! The downpour of rain didn't damper spirits at all. The instruments were brought out once everyone's bellies were full and a jam session commenced :-) I even attempted to play 'Horse with No Name' on the guitar, and I've definitely got some work to do....

Thursday I went on a super bikeride with my good friends Bart, Katrina, and Thew. The wind was a beast, but we pedaled on through! More goodbyes were said throughout the finals days of my time in Point - definitely a bittersweet time to be leaving a city that was my home for 4 years. I met so many wonderful people and made some amazing friends.

Along with goodbyes was the daunting task of packing up EVERYTHING I owned in my house. Lucky for me, Mom, Dad, Cate, and Aunt Carol came on Saturday morning to help me load everything into the trailor. One person can really accumulate a lot of stuff! Sheesh...time to downsize my personal belongings I think...

As Winnie the Pooh would say, Saturday was a blustery day. The UW-Stevens Point Commencement Ceremony was held outside at 2:00pm in the afternoon. The set-up was lovely with the multi-colored flags lined up behind the stage, but the wind and cool temperature made for a very chilly ceremony! More than a few caps were blown off throughout the course of the day. But, despite all that, the ceremony was beautifully done. I was honored as Summa Cum Laude for the Class of 2009 and walked the stage to shake hands with the Chancellor and receive my diploma! Yippy!! :-D

And, for those who would like to see a few more pictures from the events of the day, go to -

After the ceremony it was time to warm up with mexican food at El Mezcal. My dear professor, Doc Munson, his wife Barb, and my friend Katrina joined us to celebrate! The graduation celebrations continued into the wee hours of the morning, so that by the time I actually went to bed, the birds were chirping and the sun was coming up. *grin*
Now, I am in the midst of unpacking, organizing (meaning, trying to find a spare place for all my STUFF), and repacking. On Friday, my dad and I will start the 15+ hour drive down to camp in North Carolina!! I can't wait to begin - bring on the summer!!


1 comment:

  1. Anna,
    Great blog. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures at Wellspring! Love ya! Mom
